稀有金属铌(Niobium)铌合金Niobium alloy材料航空航天照明材料行业认识及相关人才招聘认识
发布日期:2025-02-25 浏览次数:180
稀有金属铌(Niobium)铌合金Niobium alloy材料航空航天照明材料行业认识及相关人才招聘认识
铌合金Niobium alloy是一种以铌为基加入多种元素的合金,是一种重要的难熔金属材料。它主要包括铌铪合金、铌钨合金、铌锆合金、铌钛合金、铌钨铪合金、铌钽钨合金和铌钛铝合金等。
高温铌合金High-temperature niobium alloy能承受2400度、冷热成形性能优良、焊接性能好等优点,可以加工成形薄壁和复杂形状的零件,用来制造火箭发动机、卫星、宇宙飞船和导弹的姿态控制/轨道控制发动机的推力室身部延伸段等部件,是航天结构件的关键材料之一。在照明工业,铌合金也可用于高压钠放电灯的弧管、引线、端帽;在核工业,铌合金适用于核反应堆液体金属热交换器和包覆材料及太阳能电池板结构等。特别是此次中国在太空实现工业级钛合金,应该说是史无前例的人类历史上的突破!开启材料新纪元!
Niobium is a chemical element that has a silvery appearance and is very resistant to corrosion.Niobium is quite similar to Tantalum,refractory metal ,making them hard to distinguish, and is named after the Greek mythical daughter of Tantalus, Niobe, hence the names of these two elements.Niobium is used to create superconductive alloys,Niobium alloys are used in a variety of high-temperature applications ranging from light bulbs to rocket engines and nuclear reactors.he unique physical and chemical properties of these alloys have often dictated that only niobium alloys could fulfill certain application requirements.
Niobium alloy can be used to manufacture critical components for rocket engines, space-earth round-trip airships, supersonic aircraft, satellites, missiles, and nuclear power,nuclear reactors, including shields for combustion chambers of high-thrust space engines, combustion chambers, small-vector or attitude-control nozzles, and extended shields for orbit-control engines,
The additives of high alloy steel containing niobium are generally metal niobium bars or ferroniobium with 50-70% niobium. Niobium-containing high-alloy steel includes stainless steel, heat-resistant steel, and corrosion-resistant steel. For example, lCrllCobMnVNbBN steel has been used in the 8-11 stage turbine discs and 9-12 stage blades of aero engines.
In addition to regular recruitment positions,Niobium alloy relative industries also have Process Engineer、Senior Data Scientist、Sourcing Manager、Logisitics Coordinator、Regional Environmental & Sustainability Manager、PROCESS SAFETY MANAGEMENT (PSM) & OPTIMIZATION ENGINEER 、Quality Environmental Engineer、Sr Tech Svc Specialist、Senior Buyer, Sourcing & Strategy、Category Manager, Capital Projects、Plant Safety, Health, Environmental (SH&E) Manager.
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