有色金属材料钛基复合材料(titanium matrix composites)钛合金(titanium alloy)的认识

发布日期:2025-01-15 浏览次数:13626

有色金属材料钛基复合材料(titanium matrix composites)钛合金(titanium alloy)的认识


钛基复合材料,钛合金,泰坦的音译来源,英文名titanium matrix composites or titanium alloy。




1. 矿石开采:钛合金的原材料是钛矿石,通常需要从地下开采出来。钛矿石主要分布在澳大利亚、南非、中国等国家。

2. 选矿:开采出来的钛矿石需要经过选矿过程,将其中的有用矿物与杂质分离开来。选矿通常采用重选、磁选、浮选等方法。

3. 钛精矿制备:选出来的钛矿石需要进一步加工,制备成钛精矿。钛精矿是指含有较高品位钛矿物的矿粉,通常需要经过破碎、磨细、分级等过程。

4. 还原:钛精矿需要经过还原过程,将其中的钛矿物还原成金属钛。还原通常采用真空电弧炉、电子束炉等设备。

5. 合金化:还原后的金属钛需要与其他合金元素混合,形成钛合金。合金化通常采用真空感应炉、真空电弧炉等设备。

6. 加工:钛合金需要经过加工,形成各种形状和尺寸的零部件。加工通常采用锻造、挤压、轧制、拉伸等方法。


titanium matrix composites

Titanium Matrix Composite (TMC) is a fibre-reinforced composite material in which SiC fibres are inserted into a metal matrix of titanium and form a unit via a gapless form closure (quasi-material closure).

Titanium alloys are alloys that contain a mixture of titanium and other chemical elements. Such alloys have very high tensile strength and toughness (even at extreme temperatures). They are light in weight, have extraordinary corrosion resistance and the ability to withstand extreme temperatures.

Titanium is used regularly in aviation for its resistance to corrosion and heat, and its high strength-to-weight ratio. Titanium alloys are generally stronger than aluminium alloys, while being lighter than steel.

It has been used in space,in aerospace components such as aircraft frames and landing gear.in architecture, such as with the cladding of the Guggenheim Museum,With the emergence of solid freeform fabrication (3D printing) the possibility to produce custom-designed biomedical implants (e.g. hip joints) has been realized,used in the automobile industry  especially like the luxury vehicle .
