发布日期:2025-01-02 浏览次数:19891
1、砂型铸造(sand casting)应用最广泛,包括树脂砂。
2、熔模铸造(investmentcasting Lost-wax casting)应用:适用于生产形状复杂、精度要求高、或很难进行其它加工的小型零件,如涡轮发动机的叶片等。
3、压力铸造(die casting)
4、低压铸造(low pressure casting)应用:以传统产品为主(气缸头、轮毂、气缸架等)。
5、离心铸造(centrifugal casting)应用:离心铸造最早用于生产铸管,国内外在冶金、矿山、交通、排灌机械、航空、国防、汽车等行业中均采用离心铸造工艺,来生产钢、铁及非铁碳合金铸件。其中尤以离心铸铁管、内燃机缸套和轴套等铸件的生产最为普遍。
6、金属型铸造(gravity die casting)应用:金属型铸造既适用于大批量生产形状复杂的铝合金、镁合金等非铁合金铸件,也适合于生产钢铁金属的铸件、铸锭等。
7、真空压铸(vacuumdie casting)
8、挤压铸造(squeezing die casting)应用:可用于生产各种类型的合金,如铝合金、锌合金、铜合金、球墨铸铁等。
9、消失模铸造(Lost foam casting)应用:适合成产结构复杂的各种大小较精密铸件,合金种类不限,生产批量不限。如灰铸铁发动机箱体、高锰钢弯管等。
10、连续铸造(continual casting)
11、陶瓷型铸造(ceramic mold casting)
铸造铝合金(casting aluminium alloy)是以熔融金属充填铸型,获得各种 形状零件毛坯的铝合金。
Casting aluminum alloys are manufactured using a process called casting, which involves melting the aluminum and pouring it into a mold to solidify,Al-Si alloys are widely used in the automotive industry. This is thanks to their high strength to weight ratio, suitable fluidity, good corrosion resistance and high productivity. Hypereutectic Al-Si alloys are also considered important materials in the transportation sector as well as for high temperature applications
Casting aluminium alloys can be classified into four categories based on their major alloying elements:
1、Aluminium-Silicon Alloys (also known as “Silumin” or “Si-Al Alloys”)
Widely used for structural parts such as housings, cylinders, boxes, and frames.
2、 Aluminium-Copper Alloys Appropriate addition of manganese and titanium can significantly improve room temperature, high temperature strength, and casting performance.
3、Aluminium-Magnesium Alloys The alloy has good corrosion resistance in the atmosphere and seawater, and good comprehensive mechanical properties and machinability at room temperature.
4、 Aluminium-Zinc Alloys also known as “Zinc-Silicon-Aluminum Alloys.
- 上一篇:铝基复合材料(Aluminu
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