​橡胶材料氟橡胶 Fluoroelastomer,FKM特种氟橡胶材料恶劣环境下不可或缺的橡胶材料

发布日期:2024-12-19 浏览次数:4617

氟橡胶 Fluoroelastomer,简称FKM,特种氟橡胶材料恶劣环境下不可或缺的橡胶材料




在汽车工业里,发动机燃料喷射系统可以让汽油与气体循环流动,这里可以产生一种汽油与氧混合后的“氢过氧化物 ”。这种氢过氧化物存于汽油里,就生成了“酸性汽油”,可以软化或硬化多种烃类橡胶,唯独特种氟橡胶不会受其影响。

代表性企业:美国杜邦 3M 日本大金 中国晨光

FKM is the American standard (ASTM) short form name for Fluoroelastomers or fluoro rubber material. F stands for Fluoro; the K is an abbreviation of the German word Kohlenstoff, meaning Carbon; and the M is the designation of saturated backbone rubber from ASTM.

Fluoroelastomers have extraordinary resistance to most fluids at high temperatures. The material can withstand extreme temperatures with a useful service life above 473°F/225°C, chemicals, heat, and oil. For these reasons, Fluoroelastomer has become one of the most widely used materials to create O-rings and seals. The material’s composition of monomers can be customized to provide a boost to its attractive properties, Aerospace

O-Rings: FKM O-rings are widely used in aircraft engines and systems due to their excellent chemical resistance and temperature stability.

Gaskets and Seals: FKM gaskets and seals are used in fuel systems, hydraulic systems, and landing gear systems.


Fuel System Seals: FKM seals in fuel injectors, fuel pumps, and fuel tanks due to their outstanding resistance to fuels and oils.

Engine Seals: FKM gaskets and seals in engine components such as valve covers and oil pans due to their high-temperature stability.

Chemical Processing

Pump and Valve Seals: FKM seals and gaskets are used in pumps, valves, and reactors due to their excellent chemical resistance.

Flange Gaskets: FKM gaskets are used in chemical pipelines and reactors due to their outstanding chemical resistance.

Oil & Gas

Drilling Equipment Seals: FKM seals and gaskets are used in drilling equipment and valves due to their excellent chemical resistance and temperature stability.

Pipeline Seals: FKM seals are used in oil and gas pipelines due to their resistance to hydrocarbons and harsh environmental conditions.

Food Processing

FKM FDA approved compounds are suitable for use in food processing equipment where resistance to high temperatures and chemicals is required, including:

Gaskets and Seals: FKM gaskets and seals in food processing equipment such as mixers, blenders, and pumps.

Key Companies: USA DuPont 3M Japan Daikin China Chenguang
